OVERVIEW: A 3D Platformer developed in Unity for Interactive Media Arts 22: Visual Scripting at Irvine Valley College.
START SCREEN: Clickable buttons to start the game (Playtime!), display credits (Look...) and quit the game (Bedtime?)
NARRATIVE DESIGN: The Player Character (PC) is a monkey who leaves her crib, avoids her parents, and explores her room.
LEVEL DESIGN: Features a map with platforming challenges, collectible objects, AI enemies, and objectives to complete.
USER INTERFACE: Displays a health bar (Playtime), coins earned toward 1-ups (Snacks), and lives left (Wake-ups).
SPAWN/RESPAWN: If the PC runs out of health, they return to the crib with health replenished and 1 less life.
COLLECTIBLE ITEMS: Gathering 5 collectibles resets the Snack counter to 0 and adds 1 life to the PC's Wake-ups.
HEALTH & DAMAGE: Running into enemy AI and hazardous traps deals damage, but eating cake replenishes health.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The PC can walk, run, crouch, jump, and perform 1 of 3 special abilities (Roar, Dance, and Kick).
POWER-UPS: Find the book object to increase the PC's running speed, or bounce a ball to raise jump height.
ENEMY AI: If a patrolling Non-Player Character (NPCs) sees the PC in their cone of vision, they give chase.
COMBAT: If an NPC gets close to the PC, they will attack ("shush"), significantly reducing the PC's health.
INTERACTIVE OBJECTS: Light bulbs turn on to add light, treasure chests open up, balls roll, and platforms move when approached.
ANIMATIONS: The PC has 3 ability animations, in addition to run/crouch/jump controls. NPCs have a shushing attack animation.
VOICEOVER: Original VO lines were added to each of the PC's actions, recorded by my 1.5-y.o. child. The AIs say "Shh..." when attacking.
SOUND EFFECTS: Victory/Defeat jingles play when the PC gains/loses a life or wins/loses the game. Chests creak and light bulbs click.
OBJECTIVE: Turn on 5 light bulbs to trigger a victory jingle and win the game, which closes the application automatically.
PUZZLES: Explore the room to find extra, hidden bulbs disguised as: a doorknob, a ball, and the moon seen through the window.